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Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780343820169 List Price: $47.95
Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780343816230 List Price: $32.95
Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonck by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780343816247 List Price: $49.95
Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780343820152 List Price: $31.95
The Tank Corps by Clough Williams-Ellis ISBN: 9780343744250 List Price: $32.95
The Tank Corps by Clough Williams-Ellis ISBN: 9780343744267 List Price: $49.95
Life of William Ellis, Founder of the Birbeck Schools: With Some Account of His Writings, an... by Edmund Kell Blyth, William ... ISBN: 9780344217098 List Price: $31.95
Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780344240041 List Price: $39.95
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis: Wife of Rev. William Ellis, Missionary in the South Seas, a... by William Ellis, Rufus Anderson ISBN: 9780344104701 List Price: $29.95
King Philip's War: Based on the Archives and Records of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Islan... by George William Ellis ISBN: 9780344053542 List Price: $31.95
King Philip's War: Based on the Archives and Records of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode Islan... by George William Ellis ISBN: 9780344053559 List Price: $47.95
Memoir of Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis: Wife of Rev. William Ellis, Missionary in the South Seas, a... by William Ellis, Rufus Anderson ISBN: 9780344104718 List Price: $46.95
Cottage Building in Cob, Pisé, Chalk & Clay: A Renaissance by John Loe St Strachey, Cloug... ISBN: 9780344111518 List Price: $39.95
Cottage Building in Cob, Pisé, Chalk & Clay: A Renaissance by John Loe St Strachey, Cloug... ISBN: 9780344111501 List Price: $22.95
A Treatise on the Nature, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Insanity, with Practical Observa... by William Charles Ellis ISBN: 9780344230943 List Price: $46.95
A Treatise on the Nature, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Insanity, with Practical Observa... by William Charles Ellis ISBN: 9780344230936 List Price: $29.95
A Journal of a Tour Around Hawaii, the Largest of the Sandwich Islands by William Ellis ISBN: 9780344230134 List Price: $26.95
A Journal of a Tour Around Hawaii, the Largest of the Sandwich Islands by William Ellis ISBN: 9780344230141 List Price: $42.95
Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by William Ashton Ellis, Richa... ISBN: 9780344240034 List Price: $22.95
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